Our Privacy Promise

Who We Are:

Hello! Our website is https://www.sassagrantstatus.co.za,

Comments: When you leave a comment on our site, we collect the info you’ve put in the comment form. We also keep your IP address and browser details to help us spot any spammy stuff.

If you use an email address to comment, it might be checked with Gravatar (a service that lets your profile picture show up with your comment) to see if you’re using it. You can check out Gravatar’s privacy policy here. Once your comment is okayed, your profile picture will be out there for everyone to see alongside your comment.

Media: If you’re uploading pictures to the website, try not to include any location data (like GPS info) in them. People can pull this data from your images on the website if it’s there.

Cookies: If you drop a comment on our site, you can choose to save your name, email, and website with cookies. These are just for your convenience so you don’t have to fill in your details again when you leave another comment. These cookies stick around for one year.

Visiting our login page sets a temporary cookie to see if your browser accepts cookies. This cookie doesn’t hold any personal info and is thrown away when you close your browser.

Logging in means we set up cookies to remember your login and screen display choices. Login cookies last two days, and screen options cookies last a year. If you hit “Remember Me”, your login sticks around for two weeks. Logging out will remove these cookies.

Editing or publishing an article puts an extra cookie in your browser. This one just shows the post ID of the article you edited and disappears after a day.

Embedded Stuff from Other Sites: Our articles might have things like videos, images, and articles from other sites. These work just like they would if you visited the other site directly.

These sites might collect data on you, use cookies, tack on third-party tracking, and watch how you interact with the embedded content, including tracking you if you’re logged in to their site.

Sharing Your Data: If you ask to reset your password, your IP address will be in the reset email.

Holding onto Your Data: Comments you leave will stay indefinitely. This way, we can recognize and approve follow-up comments without holding them for approval.

For anyone who registers on our site (if that’s an option), we also save the personal info in their profile. All users can see, change, or delete their personal info at any time (but can’t change their username). Site admins can also see and change that info.

Your Rights Over Your Data: If you’ve got an account here, or have left comments, you can ask for an exported file of the personal data we have on you, including any data you’ve given us. You can also ask us to erase any personal data we have on you. This doesn’t include data we have to keep for legal, administrative, or security reasons.

Where Your Data Goes: Comments might be checked through an automated spam detection service.